
Our Agriculture Services division includes land leveling, pivots, and irrigation.

AgricultureWomack and Sons provides agricultural irrigation services that are unique to the farming industry in Louisiana. As a company based in the rural south, we are surrounded by crop lands such as cotton, sugarcane, rice, soybeans, corn (maize) and feed grains, and sweet potatoes that reside in a sometimes unforgiving climate. Irrigated water is necessary for any crop yield and that is especially true in Louisiana and surrounding states. That is why we consult with our clients to provide different possibilities to achieve 100% hydration to any portion of farmland and any type of crop.

Our knowledgeable team will work with each grower to meet their particular irrigation needs and budgets, while providing them with calculated options and recommended solutions. These calculations and solutions come in the form of shallow water wells, underground piping, land leveling, pivots, pumping units, etc.

The Womack and Sons team have over 20 years of experience, and it is that expertise that drives profitable results and maximum crop yields for growers in Louisiana.

Land Leveling

Womack and Sons is equipped to handle all of your land leveling needs. We level and contour farm land and property using tractors and dirt buckets. Primarily, the land leveling falls beneath the umbrella of irrigation. Land leveling can benefit farmers by producing higher yields, better weed control, and larger farming areas. Our clients have also seen faster seeding, less time required for transplanting, and better use of water. Good leveling may also reduce the total water requirements to grow the crop by up to 10%.

Womack and Sons provide farmers with a topography survey, which illustrates the amount of cut/fill needed per acre to meet a certain fall. We are equipped with the latest Topcon system, a positioning technology system for surveyors, civil engineers, and construction contractors. We transfer that survey information, along with the GPS coordinates and elevations, into the computer systems of each tractor. All data is "real time" and is precisely accurate down to the hundredths of an inch. For optimum proficiency, most all of our tractors pull double 18-yard buckets. During the summer months, while demand is high, we capitalize on productivity by operating 24 hours a day. With our state-of-the-art equipment and highly-qualified team, Womack and Sons is your trusted source for your land leveling needs in Louisiana.


As another form of irrigation services provided by Womack and Sons are pivots. Pivots provide hydration when other options are not feasible or desired. When approached by a farmer, we make an on-site visit to take measurements and examine the conditions and terrain. We then input the detailed information into our computer software, and we determine well sizes, pressure demands, horse power of pumping unit, etc. We can then take that irrigation information and tweak for peak performance based on specific needs.

We also provide maintenance and servicing different brands of pivots in order for the farmer to be prepared for watering season. We keep an inventory of general pivot parts for quick repairs. A full service visit could consist of checking hydraulics, belts, boots, wiring, change filters, etc.

Womack and Sons is a certified dealer of T-L Pivots. T-L Pivots offer a distinctive and proven state-of-the-art design. One major advantage over the competition is its hydrostatic design. Unlike conventional pivots, it does not use an electric "start and stop" motion as it circulates around the field. T-L Pivots utilize hydraulic pressure, which provides consistent and uniform coverage. This technology vastly prolongs the life span of the gear boxes and drive trains. Also, by utilizing this hydraulic design versus electric design, the consumer eliminates the copper wiring that is susceptible to theft and electric shock if damaged.

Underground Irrigation Piping

A common method of irrigation in crop fields is using underground piping in conjunction with riser assemblies and poly pipe. Just like land leveling and pivots, we offer consulting to farmers in order to recommend pump sizes, pipe diameter sizes, pipe lengths, etc. Our team will take into consideration the acreage, along with water source availability and propose an immediate or a master plan for piping. The master plan is typically projected onto a map and broken into phases, or tracts for long term planning and investing. Our underground piping typically ranges from 8" up to 24", and we back our installation with a one-year warranty.

At Womack and Sons, we seek to build a relationship with our clients and prove our expertise. Our irrigation salesman holds an Ag Business degree and frequently works closely with NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) to deliver the client a hassle free process.

If you are interested in learning more about our piping irrigation services, contact us for a FREE consultation. We are also an easy source for famers looking to simply buy piping material. At Womack and Sons, we maintain an inventory of all various components that are typically needed in the field.

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Commercial | Civil | Directional Drilling | Trucking & Hauling | Ag Services | Utilities | Land Leveling | Pivots | Irrigation | Piping


5739 HWY 8 | P.O. BOX 653 | HARRISONBURG, LA 71340